FW: Look Man - No Arms
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This one is funny as hell.
-----Original Message-----
> Subject: Look Man - No Arms
> Jason walks into a restroom in an airport and goes up to a urinal.
> A man with no arms comes up to him and says "Hey, can you give
> me a hand?". Though he feels uncomfortable, he agrees to help.
> He unzips the man's pants, takes a deep breath, and reaches in
> and takes out his penis, which he is horrified to discover is all green
> and moldy. Imagining the bonus he will get come judgment day,
> he continues to hold the man's moldy unit as he urinates, gives it
> a shake, and zips it back up in his pants.
> "Hey, thanks a lot man." The man says
> "No problem. But there is one thing I have to know, what is wrong
> with your Johnson?"
> Then the man pulls his arms out into his sleeves and says "I don't
> know, but I sure as hell ain't gonna touch it!"
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